The concept is good, the style is good, the graphics are good, too bad people are hacking the game for easy wins. I am not being a bad sport, it just irritates me when people try to gain an u fair advantage. From disconnecting your game to infinite money and lives, just about every 3rd rival hacks in some way. Also, the matchmaking is broken. If you can meet someone who has 430 wins when you have not even played 10 games, then how does the game support new players? Also, certain towers need to be nerfed. In particular, the Cobra needs it the most. It has an upgrade that gives you money, AND has an ability that steals two lives every few seconds. I have no bad feelings about it, it just is not fair. Granted, it cant target camo bloons, but players can fill their side with Cobras and steal your lives. Another tower to nerf would be the Super Monkey. It is fairly expensive to upgrade, but it is a single tower that can be used to destroy any bloon in the game. Some towers desparately need a boost. An example is the tack shooter. It fires tacks when it detects a bloon, but it would be better if it was constantly firing like the Mortar. Also, add a tower that is basically a battle tank. Possible upgrades could be a coaxial machine gun (adds a machine gun), HEAT ammo (pops more layers, and does double damage to lead and ceramic bloons), light tank (tank will make camo bloons visible at a certain distance, and can chase bloons down the track), heavy tank (doubles the firepower, but makes it move at half the speed), autoloader (after light tank only; fires 5 shots ib quick succession, but then has a 3 second cooldown), large howitzer (after heavy tank only; fires slow moving, HE (high-explosive) rounds that stun and remove up to ten layers depending on how close the bloon was to rhe center of the explosion, but the shell fired has poor accuracy at long ranges), improved barrel (improves the overall accuracy and rate of fire), improved components (increases the tanks speed, accuracy, range, and turret speed). This is just an idea, and please do your own version.
-E135- about
Bloons TD Battles